IOT Product Development
Higher Diploma in Creative Media Programme - Interactive Media Final Year Project
As a co-Authors in this project.SA '17: SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Mobile Graphics & Interactive Applications
Authors: Angus Yu Chi Yin, Astrid Cheung Oi Lam,Carrie Hung Shun Wai,Harrison Wong Lap Wing, Yuki Ho Sin Yi, Christine Fung Lim Chi,Tam Kai Fung
Long-distance relationship is not always an easy journey to get though. Several problems that come along with long distance-relationship have been identified, including spatial barrier, endless waiting and direction associating. The project Hugus aims at solving problems in long-distance relationship with the approach of interactivity. The soft, bear shaped interactive device Hugus is expected to comfort users' feeling and maintain stronger connections between users.
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Including the mobile application, it allows users to send messages to each other, and the messages will be displayed on their devices.